The church is growing rapidly in developing countries, but many leaders in certain areas have little training. These church leaders are not just serving without training; they are also working in extremely difficult situations. They are dealing with issues in their communities like HIV/AIDS, terrorism, financial uncertainty, and unstable governments. And, they are trying to lead their congregations while working with limited resources. We believe there is an immense and growing need for a model that provides personal, interactive, and ongoing training to unreached church leaders.
As the body of Christ, we have a responsibility to use our God-given gifts (resources, training, experiences, etc.) to bless those in need. Research shows that there are over two million pastors worldwide who are leading without any training. This is the one of the greatest unmet challenges in the church today. Like any organization, the capacity of leadership limits growth. In the church, pastors without proper guidance can limit discipleship, missions, evangelism and outreach. Our goal is to strategically develop church leaders who will use their training to invest into their congregations that will reach their communities.