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Biblical Leadership Training Centers
We set up Biblical Leadership Training Centers to train church leaders in a variety of topics so they can make disciples and transform communities.
Theological education is foundational to making Christ-like disciples because understanding God, His Word and His work helps to shape His people into His image. Unfortunately, traditional institutional training at a seminary or Bible college is not feasible in the Majority world for most Christians who lack the financial resources, time or required credentials.
In the 1980’s, a model called Theological Education by Extension (TEE) was promoted to help meet the global need for training church leaders. Instead of leaders coming to a campus, TEE brings training to leaders in remote locations in an affordable and accessible manner.
We follow in this tradition using our unique training center model. These training centers are often located in a local church where we provide courses and certificates for leaders in that region. Our desire is for training centers to be a place where Christian leaders learn, lead and love. In order to be effective and transformational, we strive for these centers to be: Bible-centered, leader focused, impact oriented, teacher led, curriculum controlled, topically comprehensive, church based, interactive, contextual, locally led, affordable and sustainable.